Happy Christmas from Scuola Europa!

Christmas video is a tradition for us, and we couldn’t miss it: this year, though, it’s something very special, as you’ll see… Happy holidays everyone from all the students, the teachers and the staff of Scuola Europa!

Open Day: come and visit us on January 18th 2020!

Scuola Europa opens its doors once again to show the best of its cutting-edge, bilingual and tecnological educational offer, for a day dedicated to the future!

Here’s the schedule of the Open Day, January 18th 2020:



h.10.00-10.30 welcome and registration, 2nd floor

h.10.30-11.00 guided tour of the School, lab activities open to young guests

h.11.00-11.45 Secondary School presentation

h.11.45-13.30 guided tour and meetings with the professors




h.10.00-10.15 welcome and registration, 3rd floor

h.10.15-11.00 High School of Languages presentation

h.11.00-13.30 guided tour of the School and meetings with the professors





h.10.00-11.00 welcome and registration, 3rd floor; guided tour of the School and meetings with the professors

h.11.00-11.45 High School of Applied Sciences presentation

h.11.45-13.30 guided tour of the School and meetings with the professors

Open Day 2019

The second Open Day of Scuola Europa is scheduled for Saturday 19 January, which will allow you to discover all our educational offer, which goes from the Infant School to the two high schools (Linguistics and Applied Sciences) passing from Primary and Secondary School of I Degree.

Soon for the details of the program, in the meantime Save the Date !!

More and more international!

Scuola Europa is increasingly confirming its attitude towards internationalization, its openness to foreign cultures and, consequently, to languages other than Italian. In fact, teachers and principals are increasingly aware of how important it is for students to have a solid foundation not only on the ministerial program but also on something more.

Above all, at Scuola Europa, great importance is given to the English language, today more than ever a fundamental business card to face the professional world of work. Therefore, at the Liceo Scientifico Scienze Applied, from the next School Year 2019/2020, the hours of the language will be increased, bringing them from 3 to 5, with an hour of conversation with a native teacher.

Get ready!

A special occasion!

What language do you speak?

Scuola Europe is not just cutting-edge teaching, technology and experience. But it is also, and above all, foreign language lessons! Certain English, French and Spanish absolutely, but Russian, Chinese and Arabic are not lacking!

The lessons can be individual or in small groups (2/4 participants). For the learning of the foreign languages proposed, the teachers offer a simple and effective method, supported by carefully selected teaching materials (textbooks, audio material, exercise sheets), which allows the student a gradual path, so as to enter the culture and in the mentality of the chosen foreign language.

 ARAB LESSONS: Scuola Europa is proud to open the doors for the first time in the study of the Arabic language. Among the most difficult in the world, it brings with it an incredible charm and is involving an increasing number of users who want to approach this ancient culture.

 CHINESE LESSONS: China boasts an ancient history and the latter unequivocally refers to the unique and original writing that is born in this vast country. Learning to write 汉字 and studying 中文 is absolutely fascinating and is a continuous challenge that opens the mind, arouses interest and stimulates the knowledge of new horizons.

 RUSSIAN LESSONS There are many reasons for approaching this idiom. Russian is among the most requested and studied languages as it currently offers more job opportunities. The interest in this language is constantly growing, and it can certainly be traced back to the fascination that this country and its culture exert.

 FRENCH LESSONS: the educational offer could not fail to include the teaching of the French language. Always been very studied in Italy and appreciated for its history, culture and literature, this language is a privileged vehicle for discovering a world geographically close to us and offers the possibility to appreciate in the original language authors and works that have influenced European culture.

 ENGLISH LESSONS: needless to say that this language is now essential for today’s world, characterized by globalization. Our offer, therefore, provides a course that can be useful to different users who for reasons of pleasure, work, education abroad, want to be citizens of the world without feeling excluded due to the lack of knowledge of this language.

 SPANISH LESSONS: this neo-Latin language, apparently very similar to Italian, presents many grammatical and lexical difficulties, such as the so-called false friends. Ad hoc lessons with a native teacher are a good way to approach Spanish, a harmonious and melodic language, but above all among the most spoken in the world.

The lessons are aimed at all parents of School Europe (Childhood – Primary – Secondary Secondary – Liceo Scientifico and Liceo Linguistico) to the external and the students from Primary to High Schools.

City Camps are back!

Scuola Europe is confirmed as leader of the IMEP project

Also this year, the high schools of Scuola Europa have joined the IMEP project, of which Scuola Europa is also the Milanese leader. Here are the words of the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, who confirm the high patronage of the European Parliament to the project.

“Activities of this type are particularly welcome, as they encourage young people and enable them to engage in Europe, giving them the opportunity to better understand the process of European integration and the role played by the main institutions of the Union, including the European Parliament. ” And again: “Given the clear European dimension of your initiative, it is with great pleasure that I agree with the event the high patronage of the European Parliament.”

See you in the spring! Good job everyone!

Evviva lo Sport!

Like every year, Scuola Europa proposes a morning of sport, involving pupils of the various study orders, Childhood, Primary, First Degree Secondary!

When? Simple! Friday, September 28th

Where? At the SUNING YDC Sports Center
Via Camillo Sbarbaro, 5/7 Milan

More information below.

For children: Kindergarten A and B children must be at school for 8.30 am and will be accompanied to the coach by their teachers. Pupils of the 1st grade Primary / Secondary School will regularly attend school according to schedule and will be accompanied to the coach by their teachers.