More and more international!

Scuola Europa is increasingly confirming its attitude towards internationalization, its openness to foreign cultures and, consequently, to languages other than Italian. In fact, teachers and principals are increasingly aware of how important it is for students to have a solid foundation not only on the ministerial program but also on something more.

Above all, at Scuola Europa, great importance is given to the English language, today more than ever a fundamental business card to face the professional world of work. Therefore, at the Liceo Scientifico Scienze Applied, from the next School Year 2019/2020, the hours of the language will be increased, bringing them from 3 to 5, with an hour of conversation with a native teacher.

Get ready!

Travel to Brighton at Oxford International School

Considered the English seaside resort par excellence, a fascinating combination of pure elegance and decadence, frequented by Londoners since 1750, when a clever doctor made known the benefits of bathing in sea water. Brighton expects from 18 to 24 November the students of the Scientific Lyceum of Applied Sciences (Classes IA, IB, IIA, IIB).

As the host for 6 days will be the Oxford International School, one of the most renowned schools in the city, which will allow students to take the CLIL language course, geography. A journey of education under the banner of discovery, study and integration.

Copyright: what it is and why it is important

An important and very current appointment for the students of the first classes of the Lyceum of Applied Sciences: at Scuola Europa, Friday 19 October, we are talking about Copyright Law. What’s this? What is it for? Who cares? Because it is important?

The intervention of Dr. Francesco Maria Lazzarini (graduated in Law in Milan) will illustrate what is meant by copyright protected work by making examples related mainly to the world of music and computer industry and by presenting the legislation that protects authors and the penalties for copyright infringement. The lesson will be open to comparison with the students.

Exchange Project with Germany

An important opportunity for the guys of High School and their families who from 16 to 22 March will host the students of the Theodor-Fliedner-Gymnasium in Kaiserswerth, Düsseldorf.

Participating in the project of student exchange will mean taking part in different activities together with their friends from Germany. The initiative is configured as an immersion in the linguistic and cultural German and therefore sets itself the objective of improving skills related to the subject matter. It is also an opportunity to improve interpersonal skills and to interact with a culture different from your own.

Here is the program:
Friday, March 16
18:00 Arrival of the German students at School Europe, hospitality and return home with host families

Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 March
Free Weekend family

Monday, March 19
8:00-10:00 Lessons and activities of the laboratory on Leonardo da Vinci in preparation for the exit to Cenacolo
10:00 Visit the district Citylife and shopping center
14:00 Return to school and free time in the afternoon with the families

Tuesday, March 20
8:00-8:30 Lessons
8:30 Visit to the city center, the Duomo and terraces (only for German students)
14:00 Return to school and free time in the afternoon with the families

Wednesday, March 21
8:00-9:00  Activities about Leonardo da Vinci in preparation for the exit to Cenacolo
9:00 Visit to the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Cenacolo vinciano and the Church of Sant’ambrogio
14:00 Return to school and free time in the afternoon with the families

Thursday, March 22
8:00-12:00 Frequency of some classes with students from partner
12:00-12:30 Greetings and departure of the German students

Costs: 10€ for the entrance ticket and the guided visit to the Cenacolo Vinciano to pay on the spot + subway tickets

Scuola Europa and the jobs world

Who I want to become in the future? Which course of studies should I choose? Is better this or that profession? Scuola Europa has decided to bring the future of its students in the classroom with a special collaboration.

A journey inside one of the professions most sought-after: the sports journalism. Thanks to the extraordinary participation of Fabio Tavelli of Sky Sports, the high school students will be able to discover all the stages to become a Sports Journalist.
3 meetings, and a live in the studios of Sky Sport to give out a newspaper article and an interview, to understand the roads of access to the profession and pay a visit to the television studios of Sky Sport.

Registration now open for March!
(please contact our office)

Meetings to manage the anxiety

A new project was born for the High School. It is “the STUDY of… ANXIETY!,” which involves meetings of 2 hours during which will be explained the techniques of anxiety management and will be proposed practical exercises targeted to the overcoming of situations related to the school.

The meetings will be held on the following dates:
The two-year period: Friday 2 February 2018 from 15:00 to 17:00
The three-year period: Wednesday 7 February 2018 from 15:00 to 17:00
The meetings will be held by Dr. Elisa Volpi, psychologist and psychotherapist of the school.

ECDL in class for the Applied Science High School

There is an important news for the High School of Applied Sciences: it is the preparation to obtain the certification ECDL FULL STANDARD.

In addition to the ministerial programme of Computer Science, students will have lectures for the preparation of the examination, according to the program indicated below.

The lectures will take place in the Computer Laboratory equipped with 20 individual stations.

The Teacher with a certification in ECDL will prepare the students and set up an appointment with them. The dates of the Examinations will take place at School, during the hours of the curriculum of Computer science.

School in europe is a TEST CENTER ECDL and then home credited for the issue of the certification.

Diploma A-Level has arrived!

A new and valuable training and education opportunities for international students of the Language School!

The curriculum is enriched with the Diploma A-Level, the British equivalent of high school diploma, Italian, released by the University of Cambridge.

In the path of the school to the Anglo-Saxon diploma A-Level is the next stage and the natural completion of the examination the IGCSE and, together with this last, represents one of the fundamental requirements for access to the most prestigious universities and foreign institutions.

Find out more!

Educational trip to Munich

Munich will host, between the 20th and 22nd of November, the IV and the V Scientific High School for the annual educational trip.

The first part of the trip will be the visit to the Max-Plank-Institut fur Physik which will allow the students to approach the exploration of the smallest constituents of matter, which is the field of investigation in particle physics. The flavor scientific journey will continue with the visit and the experience of the workshop of the Deutsches Museum. The route will be completed with a visit full of respect to the camp of Dachau, where, with the guided tour, the students will be sensitized to that moment in history.

The trip, after a guided tour of the city and its wonderful parks, will end in Innsbruck, Austria, for the visit of the historic center.