Language Certificates

In order to enter the labour market and, even before, fulfil a successful university path, students are required to submit certifications confirming their knowledge of Foreign Languages: Scuola Europa has therefore introduced a program to prepare them to these tests.

The focal point of Scuola Europa’s Languages Department is the Common European Framework, the language skills classification system developed by the Council of Europe. This “European Framework” offers 3 levels of language competence, divided into basic (A), independent (B), mastery (C). Each level is then divided into two sub-levels (A1-A2, B1-B2, C1-C2) defined through indicators of skills and communication abilities; these indicators allow to formulate the teaching objectives and measure the level achieved by the student at each stage of his learning process.

Scuola Europa has set certain stages to mark the student’s groundwork, articulated in certifications of the standard reached, following the scale of accredited external organizations. Achieving the certifications is not mandatory, but it’s an excellent opportunity to improve and to get an expendable qualification in all contexts (educational, business) around the world.

KINDERGARTEN (bilingual from 2015)

– Trinity Grade 1 (GESE)

– Trinity Stars Award

PRIMARY SCHOOL – Cambridge International School

1^ Primary: Trinity Stars Award (Optional in extracurricular time)

2^ Primary: Trinity Stars Award (Optional in extracurricular time)

SECONDARY SCHOOL – Cambridge International School

– Cambridge Key English Test (KET – A2)

– Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET – B1)

– Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE)

– One Level of GESE (Graded Examinations in Spoken English) between 5-6

– French and Spanish (level A2)


– International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

– Scholastic Attitude Test (SAT)

– Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (D.E.L.F.)

– Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (D.E. L.E.)

– Goethe Zertifikat Deutsch (G.Z.D.)

– Chinese Certificate HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi)