Do you know what ELM is?

EXPERIMENTAL LABORATORY METHOD, i.e. learn from experience. What does it mean? Soon said!

It is shown that by making and improving it’s the best way to learn and it is for this reason that we have given life to the ELM, a project of Scuola Europa created for the Primary Classes. The students are in the center of the educational process and are involved in a pathway that involves his creativity and sense of initiative.

Thanks to this new teaching method, without forgetting the foundations of a robust cultural route, the school becomes a continuous discovery and a door to the world of today. Tradition and innovation coexist to form the future citizens of the world, each with their own individuality, and their wealth of experience, able to deal with the positivity of their trip in the tomorrow. The enhancement of the English language, multimedia, creativity, flexibility of time and the rigor of the teaching complement for the training of a child is the protagonist of their own knowledge and “know-how”.

The language used to study, design, transfer content, communicate with a total of 13 hours per week.

In the co-presence (Italian and English) were held on topics related to the different disciplinary fields: Art, Science, Mathematics, Physical Education.

ELM, through cooperative learning, comparing experiences, skills and identity by giving the children the tools to open up to the world.

ELM is an educational path centered on the child, the presence of more than one teacher allows for a greater attention to the individual allowing for the recovery and enhancement.

The ELM enhances the learning of English, thereby promoting its use in different disciplines through language activities, designed to 14 hours per week.

ECDL at school

To achieve the ECDL Certification at school? Now you can! At the High School – Applied Sciences, in fact, during the hours of Computer science with the Professor of the class, you can study for the exam that represents a national level and the international standard for the “computer license”, because School Europe is a test center for the ECDL.

Where it is important to:

The preparation of the modules related to the certification that will take the students to the Basic certification, Full, and Advanced, will be conducted in parallel to the development of the Computer science program in accordance with the ministerial directions with the time and manner that will be set by the Class Teacher.

Pane e Mate tell about far away worlds

It’s called “Great journeys of the Mountboard and the Globetrotter” and is a play that draws you to distant worlds in a long journey, conceived and written by the company Bread and Mate. Through the dramatization, the teacher of Childhood education has decided to introduce the theme of travel, the central topic of the annual planning process this year to discover different worlds.

It’s time for chestnuts!

The autumn has now arrived for almost a month, the trees begin to tint red, yellow, orange and the days are shorter. The woods are the perfect environment to get to know and learn how to change the nature of this special season.

The classes of the Secondary are on a field trip in Valgreghentino, province of Lecco, and to discover the scents and the colors of the autumn, collect chestnuts and eat them all together around the fire.

During the day it will be realized different activities with a multidisciplinary, interactive, and capable not only of developing knowledge of nature, but also to increase the sensitivity and enable a connection with it. During the walk will be done in stages with explanations on the vegetation, the geomorphology of the area and the basics of orientation, thanks to the guides who will accompany the boys.

You will pass through a chestnut grove, in which is told the story linked to the place, and of the evolution of castagneto over the years. In the field there will be different activities for the class: for the first you will develop a path that might grow the trust within the class group and their collaboration; the classes in the second/third will be able to experiment in the preparation of a fire to roast chestnuts and hone their orientation skills in addition to cooperative activities within the class.

Drama, the new Theatre Lab

From this school year, Scuola Europa welcomes a new workshop to give space to the creativity, to the knowledge of one’s own body, voice and presence to the public and not only! It is DRAMA, the new Theatre Workshop, aimed at the realization of a musical in the English language.

Find out more at this link!

3 days on a sailing boat

With the last sunny days in the Golfo di La Spezia, several students of the Lower Secondary School have followed the wind going up for 3 days on a sailing boat. On each boat were a teacher and a trained skipper, and it was possible for the boys to live the wonder of the sea and of the ecosystem that only a boat can create.

Through an interdisciplinary approach, it was possible to both know and respect the sea and its habitat because, as on the planet, the life on a sailing boat collides with energy resources over (battery, diesel, fresh water, food) and other endless (sun, wind), who discover, with experience, the concept of composition of motions and forces precisely because of the sailing.

Disciplines involved: Science, Technology, Physics, Sports

Here is a small photo gallery

Ready, steady, go!

After the first day of school accompanied by the classic sky fall, this second day of the school is characterized by a fresh wind, and by a summer sun, still trying to warm up.

The school year has started back to Scuola Europa: welcome to all new students and welcome back to those who now is at home. To support the teaching more and more digital, and more and more technological here is the new site. Here you will find all the necessary information regarding the courses, projects, schedules, textbooks,…and during the year you will discover a lot of news.

Are you ready? And then go!

“Porta un amico” at Scuola Europa

This year being a member of Scuola Europa, it is advisable not only to you but also to your friends!

From 1st December 2017 to 31st July 2018:

every member who will present a friend as a new member will have a discount of 10% on the tuition for the academic year 2018/2019, and the friend will have a discount of 5% on the same straight line.

To participate in the promotion, members can contact the School, in person, by phone at the number 02.76007804 or by email at the address indicating the name of the friend.

IMEP is back! This is what it is

Scuola Europa is confirmed as leader of the IMEP, Italian Model European Parliament, a simulation of the sessions of the European Parliament, in the English language, during which the students will perform all of the functions of the parliament.

A special event for the young adults of tomorrow, especially looking into the relationship between the school and the work’s world,  will take place at Scuola Europa starting the 1st of March.

Open to all schools of Milan and the Underground City, the works will be preceded by an opening ceremony which will follow the second and third day, in which the simulation will play. A final plenary session on the fourth day will decide the end of the work and will be followed by the closing ceremony with the delivery of the prizes to the best students. 
IMEP Official Page