Contest Natalizio!

What is for you Christmas? For someone it means family, for someone else good food and good company. For others it is the time of year, which is more spiritual, and for others more it means vacation and snow.

This year, Scuola Europa decided to make a special contest thought for all students, from the youngest to the oldest, which you are invited to join in groups or classes, to think of what it means to Christmas, and to shoot a short video to tell about it. The most beautiful video, will be rewarded!

Here are the rules:


PS. if you didn’t win, your video will still be posted on the website and on all social profiles of the School!

ECDL in class for the Applied Science High School

There is an important news for the High School of Applied Sciences: it is the preparation to obtain the certification ECDL FULL STANDARD.

In addition to the ministerial programme of Computer Science, students will have lectures for the preparation of the examination, according to the program indicated below.

The lectures will take place in the Computer Laboratory equipped with 20 individual stations.

The Teacher with a certification in ECDL will prepare the students and set up an appointment with them. The dates of the Examinations will take place at School, during the hours of the curriculum of Computer science.

School in europe is a TEST CENTER ECDL and then home credited for the issue of the certification.

Christmas Market is coming to Scuola Europa

To celebrate the arrival of December and the approach of Christmas, we invite you on Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd at school for the Christmas Market. There will be many surprises and gifts thanks to the many partnerships that we’ve created just for these two special days.

And Saturday…there will also be Santa Claus!

Diploma A-Level has arrived!

A new and valuable training and education opportunities for international students of the Language School!

The curriculum is enriched with the Diploma A-Level, the British equivalent of high school diploma, Italian, released by the University of Cambridge.

In the path of the school to the Anglo-Saxon diploma A-Level is the next stage and the natural completion of the examination the IGCSE and, together with this last, represents one of the fundamental requirements for access to the most prestigious universities and foreign institutions.

Find out more!

ECDL at Scuola Europa is for everyone

The Commission ECDL of Scuola Europa, accredited as Test Center, formed by Computer Scienceand ECDL teachers, offers the course for the acquisition of the certification ECDL FULL STANDARD or, for those who had already attended the courses, the option to take only exams. There are 4 modes which you can subscribe to even if you are not students of the Scuola Europa.

—-> The course will start with 4 members at least.

Module 1 + exam = 165 €
Module 2 + exam = 130 €
Module 3 + exam = 130 €
Module 4 + exam = 165 €
Module 5 + exam = 165 €
Module 6 + exam = 95 €
Module 7 + exam = 95 €
—-> The single module can also be enabled with a single participant. The Skills Card must be purchased separately at a cost of 55 Euros.

Online Collaborations + IT Security + 2 exam = 90 €
Computer Essentials + Online Essentials + 2 exams = 110 €
Word Processing + Spreadsheet + Presentation + 3 exams = 170 €
—-> The single package is activated upon the achievement of at least 4 members. The Skills Card must be purchased separately at a cost of 55 Euros.

* The cost of the chosen course have to add 10 Euros for the insurance.

EXAM = 30 €




December 18, 2017
January 24, 2018
March 2, 2018
March 23, 2018
May 2, 2018
18 May, 2018
The registration for the exam must be completed strictly within 8 days from the date of your choice. For information, please call from Monday to Friday from 9.30 am to 12.00 am at the number 02. 76007846.
The registrations are open and can be made at the front desk of the School of Europe (Viale Majno 39, Milan)
For any further request relating to the costs or the ECDL exam, write to

Educational trip to Munich

Munich will host, between the 20th and 22nd of November, the IV and the V Scientific High School for the annual educational trip.

The first part of the trip will be the visit to the Max-Plank-Institut fur Physik which will allow the students to approach the exploration of the smallest constituents of matter, which is the field of investigation in particle physics. The flavor scientific journey will continue with the visit and the experience of the workshop of the Deutsches Museum. The route will be completed with a visit full of respect to the camp of Dachau, where, with the guided tour, the students will be sensitized to that moment in history.

The trip, after a guided tour of the city and its wonderful parks, will end in Innsbruck, Austria, for the visit of the historic center.

Scuola Europa at Sky Academy

It’s Friday, November 17th, the first date of Scuola Europa at the Sky Academy in Milan. Designed for students of the Secondary, it will be a unique opportunity to take a journalism tour specially created in the headquarters of Sky in Milan Santa Giulia.

The path to the inside of Sky Academy Studios provides:

Sky Academy is a set of initiatives that, through the communicative power of the tv and the creativity you offer to help the new generations to express their potential. A unique way to discover the behind the scenes of a channel-news!


Students will depart from school with the teachers to h.12.00 and will be back for the h.17.30. It is required the packed lunches to the care of the family. Will travel at the university by public transport. For this reason, it is essential that you bring two cards ATM.

ECDL Full Standard

Scuola Europa is accredited as a Test center for the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL), which demonstrates the ability to use the computer at different levels of study and specialization. The certification, recognized at the school and working level in the whole European Union, is also required in different Universities to obtain a degree.

Here are the next test days for the ECDL FULL STANDARD.

Examination price = 30 €
Skills Card price = 55€

The registration for the examination must be strictly done within 8 days from the chosen date, at the front desk of Scuola Europa.

For information, call us from Monday to Friday (9.30 AM – 12 PM) at 02 76007846, or write to:

P4C, Philosophy for children

Not only technology and not only foreign languages: today we need philosophy in order to grow and become the adults of tomorrow. A philosophy that makes you think, that calls for the creation of concepts rather than insisting on the repetition of what has already been thought of.

Born for this is the project Philosophy for Children designed for Secondary School. The lessons promote an experience of approach and reflection of the ways of thinking between the boys and the girls, who attend schools that often do not provide for the teaching of philosophy as a subject.

P4C, this is the acronym, will push students to transform the classroom into a research community, and the teacher, in a companion curious, in a philosophical journey common.

The project will consist of 10 meetings of an hour during the first four months required by Pierpaolo Casarin, philosopher, and educator in Philosophy for children. The project costs 27€ to be paid in the secretary office on the ground floor by 10th November.