Scuola Europa and the jobs world

Who I want to become in the future? Which course of studies should I choose? Is better this or that profession? Scuola Europa has decided to bring the future of its students in the classroom with a special collaboration.

A journey inside one of the professions most sought-after: the sports journalism. Thanks to the extraordinary participation of Fabio Tavelli of Sky Sports, the high school students will be able to discover all the stages to become a Sports Journalist.
3 meetings, and a live in the studios of Sky Sport to give out a newspaper article and an interview, to understand the roads of access to the profession and pay a visit to the television studios of Sky Sport.

Registration now open for March!
(please contact our office)

Travel and study in England

Also this year, the Scuola Europa offers its students a Study-Holiday in England.
2 weeks of full-immersion, where they have the opportunity to “live the language”,  alternating in-class lectures, workshops, activities, excursions and free time.

The planned program for this year is the following:
classes 4^ and 5^ of the Primary School, 1^ 2^ 3^ Secondary School
Destination: York, Queen Ethelburga’s College
Date: 2 – July 16, 2018

Applied Science High School, 1^ and 2^ Language High School
Destination: Reading, University of Reading
Date: 9– July 23, 2018

For more information, please contact the School office.

In June and September City Camp will return!

The City Camp study-holiday will be back with fun activities all in English! It is staffed by Trainee Tutors of English speakers with certification TEFL–TP coordinated by a Camp Director, expert of English language. The learning approach the Humanistic-Affective of the ACLE promotes the spontaneous language acquisition of English. The students lay down the grammatical structures and language in a natural way.

Place and Time of the Camp: at Scuola Europa, from 09 AM to 5 PM from Monday to Friday
Target: Students of the Primary School and Secondary School, divided into groups with a ratio of tutor: (student 1:9/1:12)
Certification: at the end of the City Camp, a certificate will be issued that states the level achieved according to the European Framework of reference for languages.
Registration fee: 50,00 € (to be added to the share course)
Fee course Registration by 31 march: € 200 for 1 week; € 370 for 2 weeks; € 520 for 3 weeks Registration after march 31: € 220 for 1 week € 390 for 2 weeks; € 540 for 3 weeks
The fee includes didactic and ludic material, the City Camp T-shirt, gadgets, insurance. Discount of € 20 for registration by March 31, 2018, € 15 a week for each brother and $ 80 a week for the hospitality of a Trainee Tutor.

Information and Registration Online on the website

Meetings to manage the anxiety

A new project was born for the High School. It is “the STUDY of… ANXIETY!,” which involves meetings of 2 hours during which will be explained the techniques of anxiety management and will be proposed practical exercises targeted to the overcoming of situations related to the school.

The meetings will be held on the following dates:
The two-year period: Friday 2 February 2018 from 15:00 to 17:00
The three-year period: Wednesday 7 February 2018 from 15:00 to 17:00
The meetings will be held by Dr. Elisa Volpi, psychologist and psychotherapist of the school.

Extra Study

From Wednesday 7 February will begin the EXAM PREPARATION COURSE the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test)

The SAT is a test for admission to American colleges, which allows the University to know the level of preparation of the candidate. The purpose of this examination is to verify the skills of reading, writing, and the level of mathematics student.

The course SAT is divided into three sections: Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing (respectively, critical reading, mathematics and writing). For each section, there will be a Mock Test. The courses are also open to students not enrolled in School in Europe, who may participate by paying a fee of 10€ for the insurance.

Lecturer/course director: Prof. Carol Jane Modica
Course time: 20 hours
Day and time of lessons: Wednesday from 2.30PM to 4.30PM
Target: students of the IV and V High School + Language High School III, IV and V
Cost: € 150.00 per student
Minimum number of members: 8

Open Day hours in on!


h.10.30-10.45 accoglienza e registrazione piano infanzia
h.10.45-11.15 presentazione della Scuola dell’Infanzia
h.11.15-13.00 visita dei locali e colloqui individuali
h.15.00-15.15 accoglienza e registrazione piano infanzia
h.15.15-17.00 presentazione della Scuola dell’Infanzia, visita dei locali e colloqui individuali


h.10.30-10.45 accoglienza e registrazione quarto piano
h.10.45-11.15 presentazione della Scuola Primaria
h.11.15-12.30 laboratori – visita dei locali e colloqui individuali
h.15.00-15.15 accoglienza e registrazione quarto piano
h.15.15-16.00 presentazione della Scuola Primaria
h.16.00-17.00 visita dei locali e colloqui individuali


h.10.30-11.00   accoglienza e registrazione secondo piano
h.11.00-11.45   visita guidata della Scuola, attività di laboratorio aperte anche ai giovani ospiti
h.11.45-12.30   presentazione della Scuola Secondaria di primo grado
h.12.30-13.00   visita guidata della Scuola e colloqui con i docenti
h.15.00-15.15   accoglienza e registrazione secondo piano
h.15.15-16.15   presentazione della Scuola Secondaria di primo grado e contemporaneamente possibilità per i giovani ospiti di partecipare ad attività di laboratorio
h.16.15-17.30   visita guidata della Scuola e colloqui con i docenti


h.10.30-10.45 accoglienza e registrazione terzo piano
h.10.45-11.30 presentazione Liceo Linguistico
h.11.15-11.30 accoglienza e registrazione terzo piano
h.11.30-12.15 presentazione Liceo Scientifico delle Scienze applicate
h.15.00-15.30 accoglienza e registrazione terzo piano
h.15.30-16.15 presentazione Liceo Scientifico delle Scienze applicate
h.15.45-16.15 accoglienza e registrazione terzo piano
h.16.15-17.30 presentazione Liceo Linguistico

And the winner is…

Or better the winners are! The Contest for this Christmas has been a great success and here are the winners chosen by an external committee of videomaker. Like in all respectful races, the winners will be given a cup, while participants will receive some tasty surprises!

Here are the videos selected

Scuola dell’Infanzia – Classe Kindergarten

Scuola Primaria 

Scuola Secondaria di I Grado – Laboratorio di Teatro

Scuola Secondaria di II Grado – Laboratorio di Expresion Emotional 

In the next few days all the video that did not win will be published. Thank you for participating!

Open Day – 2018

Ecco la data per il prossimo Open Day: vi aspettiamo sabato 20 gennaio! Per tutta la giornata sarà possibile scoprire l’intera gamma di Scuola Europa, come ad esempio i programmi di studio e le certificazioni per le lingue straniere. Da non perdere!

Una tradizione che si rinnova

As every year now, the students of Kindergarten and Primary School will welcome the year ending and the arrival of Christmas becoming a beautiful chorus ready to cheer their parents and friends.

The date is Friday, 22 December, don’t miss it!