University? How to be prepared?

Choosing how to continue your studies is certainly not easy, especially in today’s society which changes quickly and often drastically.

Does enrolling in Engineering still have a value? Studying Languages ensures a job? Will a creative academy be a dead road? And how do you study for an admissions test?

These and other questions harass the heads of all the young people who have just started their last year of high school and who have to decide where to direct their lives in the next. Scuola Europa decided to help the youngsters by giving them the chance to take part in a free simulation of the university entrance tests offered by Alpha Test on November 14th, 2018.

The 120-minute meeting will take place from 8 am to 9.55 am for students in class V and from 10.05 am to 12.00 for students in class IV and will include an introductory lesson and an admission test simulation. at the University.

Evviva lo Sport!

Like every year, Scuola Europa proposes a morning of sport, involving pupils of the various study orders, Childhood, Primary, First Degree Secondary!

When? Simple! Friday, September 28th

Where? At the SUNING YDC Sports Center
Via Camillo Sbarbaro, 5/7 Milan

More information below.

For children: Kindergarten A and B children must be at school for 8.30 am and will be accompanied to the coach by their teachers. Pupils of the 1st grade Primary / Secondary School will regularly attend school according to schedule and will be accompanied to the coach by their teachers.

Here are the books for next year

For those who want to be already prepared for the next year, here are the lists of books for the school year 2018/2019.


Invitation to the Terrace

Wednesday the 16 of May, the warm season comes definitely to Scuola Europa and we are celebrating it with the opening of the Terrazza Europa at the third floor. We are waiting for you from 7.30 pm!

Here are a few shots …

Spirit Week, what is it?

From April 16th – 20th we will be having Spirit Week: a week where the school follows a different theme each day to encourage school spirit and give the kids another fun reason to come to school.

We invite you to help us make Spirit Week a success by dressing your children up in the following ways:

 Monday 16: Pajama day – bring your child to school in their pajamas!

 Tuesday 17: Rainbow day – dress your child colorfully!

 Wednesday 18: Career day – dress your children in the outfit of the profession they wish to be when they grow up.

 Thursday 19: Inside Out – dress your children with their clothes inside out!

 Friday 20: Crazy hair day – have fun doing your child’s hair in a crazy way!

The Association of Former Students of Scuola Europa is here!

The appointment is fixed for Thursday 19 April 2018 to 19 pm in the School gym.

The Association of Former Students aims in particular to:
(a) to promote the establishment of relations with people who, after graduation, made a career in the different fields of professions or in the vast world of culture and society;
b) to promote activities – cultural, sports, debates, conferences, exhibitions, and travel, and supporting the educational institution;
c) to establish awards and scholarships;
d) to organize conferences and debates, to guide and prepare the choices of study through the contribution of former pupils;
(e) to promote the study and dissemination of the experience and of Scuola Europa, contributing, therefore, to the purchase of suitable educational tools, storage, processing of data, knowledge, and publication;
(f) to promote the practical application of the studies, even with the processing and financing of projects aimed at the technological modernization of the school.

It will also be the occasion to re-establish contacts with old friends and find new ones, with Scuola Europa as a common denominator. The Board of Directors will be the representative body of the Association with consultative functions, deliberative and executive.

For confirmations and information:

Get ECDL Advanced

Thanks to the teachers of Computer Science, Scuola Europa, already accredited as the headquarters of the standard ECDL, has raised the bar…it is now also accredited for the certification ECDL Advanced.

The ECDL Advanced develops to a higher level the computer skills related to office application for students, professionals, and employees.
The certificate ECDL Advanced is awarded after passing four exams:
Word processing (advanced level)
Electronic spreadsheet (advanced level)
Databases (advanced level)
Presentations (advanced level)

The candidate may decide to accomplish only a part of the four examinations; in case of gaining one exam the candidate will be not awarded with the certificate ECDL Advanced, but for every exam passed, he will obtain a certificate that can be spent in the academic world and in the business one.

To enroll for the advanced level it is not necessary to have obtained the ECDL Full Standard or have passed the corresponding examinations of the basic level. This ECDL exam is also open to the public starting from the date of March 23rd, it will be possible to register at a cost of 35 euro.

A new opportunity that demonstrates the commitment of the Scuola Europa to refine and increase its offer.

Exchange Project with Germany

An important opportunity for the guys of High School and their families who from 16 to 22 March will host the students of the Theodor-Fliedner-Gymnasium in Kaiserswerth, Düsseldorf.

Participating in the project of student exchange will mean taking part in different activities together with their friends from Germany. The initiative is configured as an immersion in the linguistic and cultural German and therefore sets itself the objective of improving skills related to the subject matter. It is also an opportunity to improve interpersonal skills and to interact with a culture different from your own.

Here is the program:
Friday, March 16
18:00 Arrival of the German students at School Europe, hospitality and return home with host families

Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 March
Free Weekend family

Monday, March 19
8:00-10:00 Lessons and activities of the laboratory on Leonardo da Vinci in preparation for the exit to Cenacolo
10:00 Visit the district Citylife and shopping center
14:00 Return to school and free time in the afternoon with the families

Tuesday, March 20
8:00-8:30 Lessons
8:30 Visit to the city center, the Duomo and terraces (only for German students)
14:00 Return to school and free time in the afternoon with the families

Wednesday, March 21
8:00-9:00  Activities about Leonardo da Vinci in preparation for the exit to Cenacolo
9:00 Visit to the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Cenacolo vinciano and the Church of Sant’ambrogio
14:00 Return to school and free time in the afternoon with the families

Thursday, March 22
8:00-12:00 Frequency of some classes with students from partner
12:00-12:30 Greetings and departure of the German students

Costs: 10€ for the entrance ticket and the guided visit to the Cenacolo Vinciano to pay on the spot + subway tickets

City Europa is back!

Also this year, Scuola Europa invites all parents to participate to the traditional event “City Europe” on Wednesday, February 28, when each class will turn in a store and the children will pretend to sell different products. All in English! Parents participate as the customers of the shops, pretending to purchase the product set up. Half an hour of fun filled with the direct experience and learning. Don’t miss out!

Starting times:
9.30 am Pre-K and Kindergarten
10.00 Pre-K B and Pre School