The Association of Former Students of Scuola Europa is here!

The appointment is fixed for Thursday 19 April 2018 to 19 pm in the School gym.

The Association of Former Students aims in particular to:
(a) to promote the establishment of relations with people who, after graduation, made a career in the different fields of professions or in the vast world of culture and society;
b) to promote activities – cultural, sports, debates, conferences, exhibitions, and travel, and supporting the educational institution;
c) to establish awards and scholarships;
d) to organize conferences and debates, to guide and prepare the choices of study through the contribution of former pupils;
(e) to promote the study and dissemination of the experience and of Scuola Europa, contributing, therefore, to the purchase of suitable educational tools, storage, processing of data, knowledge, and publication;
(f) to promote the practical application of the studies, even with the processing and financing of projects aimed at the technological modernization of the school.

It will also be the occasion to re-establish contacts with old friends and find new ones, with Scuola Europa as a common denominator. The Board of Directors will be the representative body of the Association with consultative functions, deliberative and executive.

For confirmations and information: