School calendar 2019/2020

According to the information provided by the Lombardy Region, lessons will not be held in the days:

November 1, 2019 – All Saints
December 7, 2019 – Saint Patron
December 8, 2019 – Immaculate Conception
from 21 December 2019 to 6 January 2020 (Christmas Holidays)
27-28 February 2020 – Carnival Holidays
from 9 to 14 April 2020 – Easter Holidays
April 25, 2019 – Liberation Anniversary
May 1, 2019 – Labor Day
June 2, 2019 – National Day of the Republic

End of lessons – A.S. 2019/2020
June 8, 2020 – end of school – primary, secondary I and II grade
June 30, 2020 – end of childhood education

The Academic Board with the approval of the Council of the Institute deliberates the suspension of the lessons in the days:
15/16/17 April 2020 (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
June 1 (Monday)